On their first day back from suspension, Amy and Jonah steel themselves for a barrage of jokes and snide comments about their sex video, while Jeff goes to extreme lengths to win back Mateo.
I've got this manager, great guy.
Working at a diner while she's suspended from Cloud 9, Amy serves a trucker who is Glenn in disguise. She doesn't let on that she knows it's Glenn who has been visiting every day. He's glad to hear Amy is going back to her old job and hints he'll be seeing her soon. At the store, Dina rues the "Back to School" sale while Amy anticipates an onslaught of teasing for her and Jonah's sex incident. Amy explains to Sandra that she and Jonah aren't together due to her being pregnant by Adam. Carol approaches Kelly hoping she's upset Amy and Jonah are back at work but is disappointed to find she is fine with it. A small girl sits on the floor and eats a crayon. (♫ The Go-Gos - Vacation ♫) As Amy hands out staff assignments she refers to the Photo Lab where she and Jonah had sex. Expecting teasing but receiving none, she intentionally makes several several sexual references and is happy the staff don't react.
Isaac introduces Noam to Jonah, calls him "J-Bone" and tells Noam to see Jonah for sexual advice. Marcus asks how sex with Amy was and goads Jonah into admitting it was good which results in them dancing lewdly. Jeff approaches Mateo and Cheyenne who treat him with disdain as he unsuccessfully tries to befriend them by inviting them to Chicago. They comment he's been at the store a lot for someone who works five hours away. Amy tells Glenn that she's relieved no one is bothering her about the sex incident. He posits such an incident is more embarrassing for a woman to be caught in than a man which Amy finds sexist. Glenn quickly back-tracks and apologizes. Amy asks Jonah if the staff are bugging him about the sex tape which he says is happening non-stop. Amy believes she's being discriminated against, is jealous Jonah has a crude nickname and suggests one for herself which she regrets.
But you said you like sex.
Jeff appeals to Garrett and Cheyenne why Mateo is angry at him, Garrett points out that Jeff had Myrtle fired to get a corporate job. Jeff asks what he can do to make the staff love him again, Garrett and Cheyenne say the staff never loved him. He promises to get them something better than Myrtle. Amy gathers the staff and says she's not embarrassed about the sex tape and announces she likes sex which Glenn supports and impresses upon Noam. A sign notes that DVDs of the movie "Back To School" are still at regular price. (♫ Goo Goo Dolls - Iris ♫) As a group of staff try to figure out what Jeff's surprise will be, most believe it'll be a food truck. Dina thinks Jeff may murder Mateo. Isaac and Marcus continue to tease Jonah who insists that Amy was an equal partner in the act. In the Stock Room, Noam approaches Amy, expresses admiration for her speech and then asks if she'd like to "do it". She declines and he runs away crying.
You're gonna come out of that tent, okay, hon?
Noam hides in a pup tent and Cheyenne and Dina try unsuccessfully to get him to come out. As Amy discusses the issue with Glenn, Dina calls the staff to a harassment meeting and has the tent containing Noam dragged there. Glenn puts Kelly in charge of a skeleton crew of staff to run the store while everyone else is at the meeting. A small boy tries on a backpack which is too heavy for him and he falls backwards. (♫ The Human League - Human ♫) In the Break Room, Glenn kicks off the meeting explaining that a sexual proposition incident involving Amy occurred and that the old training videos don't apply. After it's cleared up that Amy and Noam didn't have sex, Carol asks if it was illegal when Amy forced Jonah to have sex with her but Jonah insists it wasn't forced. Who was in control during Amy and Jonah's sex tape is discussed but devolves into commenting on sexual positions.
Well, then we are done-zo.
In the store, Kelly doesn't understand the work schedule and starts to lose the staff. At the meeting, Glenn tries to understand who harassed who in the sex tape, no harassment is claimed which leads many to wonder if the reason Amy and Jonah aren't together is that the sex wasn't good. Tired of the situation, Amy takes the floor and challenges everyone to ask any question they want about the sex tape so it'll never be discussed again. If they are in love and if they had an orgasm is asked while in the store, Kelly deals with customers' bad behaviour. The questions continue including what Jonah whispered to Amy, if pregnant sex was weird, and whether Jonah is circumcised until the staff are exhausted and Noam is asleep in the tent. Glenn calls everyone back to work but discovers the store is closed. Kelly cheers the staff leaving for the evening and enthusiastically reports her success to an uncaring Dina.
Plus you can change the background!
Jeff's surprise is a virtual Myrtle which can act as the store greeter. He tells Mateo this is the next best thing to the real Myrtle and he did it for Mateo. The staff walk away in disgust while the virtual Myrtle malfunctions. Elias sleeps in the store on a school desk and chair. (♫ Culture Club - Do You Really Want to Hurt Me ♫) In the parking lot, Jonah follows Amy to her car, congratulates her on completing her first day back and asks her what she wants for dinner. He leans in to kiss her but she protests and when they see no one is around, she kisses him passionately. Amy says she'll him soon and they depart by calling each other by their crude work nicknames.
Amy's name tag: Amy wears a different name tag in every episode. When working at a diner while she's suspended from Cloud 9, Amy wears "Roz." On her first day back from suspension, she wears "Emily."
Crazy Customers and music: For all customer interludes and music see Back To School (music).
A sign notes that DVDs of the movie Back To School are still at regular price.
As Marcus and Isaac make fun of Jonah's sexual prowess, they make an allusion to the movie Waking Ned Devine.
At the harassment meeting, Glenn says that the old training videos on this don't apply as they are living in a new, TIME'S UP, This Is Us kind of world.
Glenn's fondness for sugary drinks is seen again (see "Spring Cleaning" and other episodes) when in the diner, Amy pours chocolate syrup into his coffee.
Goof: At 15:47, Ted is one of the staff that Kelly manages when in charge of the store during the harassment meeting and is standing beside Paul. At 15:50, as Stan leaves for quadrant 12, Ted disappears and he then re-appears at 16:00.
In a deleted scene, Marcus reveals he's being sued for his "boob cheese" venture. Glenn talks with Jonah about curbing his sexual activity and mentions that he's had sex with Amy, Kelly, Kristen, that magazine lady and Myrtle (which Jonah refutes). See Gallery for the video.
“Attention, employees make your way to the break room for a harassment meeting. Shoppers, go about your business. This is a private matter concerning our floor manager Amy, and a 14-year-old boy.”— Dina
“We are living in a brave, new, MeToo, Time's Up, "This Is Us" kind of world. There are no rules anymore. But also, there's nothing but rules.”— Glenn
Glenn, the Mysterious Trucker - Superstore (Episode Highlight)
On their first day back from suspension, Amy and Jonah steel themselves for a barrage of jokes and snide comments about their sex video, while Jeff goes to extreme lengths to win back Mateo.
Jonah helps Amy get creative to stock up on supplies for her new baby, while Glenn and Jerusha take maternity pictures that inspire Dina to have her own photo shoot directed by Mateo.
Amy and Jonah get combative to keep their new relationship hidden from their co-workers. Meanwhile, Glenn spirals when he learns Kelly wants to transfer to a new store, and Cheyenne struggles to organize a Cloud 9 carpool.
When an employee costume competition is announced, Amy and Mateo aren't afraid to play dirty to win first prize, a paid day off. Meanwhile, Glenn is preoccupied by Cloud 9's new automatic cart collector, and Garrett is tormented by an annoying Halloween novelty song.
Amy and Dina are both in labor! But while Glenn's manager status gets Dina the royal treatment at a fancy hospital, Amy and Jonah have a far different experience at a cheaper clinic. At the store, Garrett struggles to express his best wishes for the new parents.
Amy faces a nightmare day at work when she learns she doesn't have maternity leave, made worse by Cheyenne and Mateo campaign to change her baby's name. Meanwhile, Jonah and Garrett take on hiring the new seasonal help.
When a new Cloud 9 initiative forces employees to be friendlier to their customers, Amy ends up getting to know Jonah's parents, and learns he hasn't been completely truthful with them. The new policy also inspires Garrett and Dina to find out who can hold a smile longer.
Jonah and Amy take Glenn's tickets to a managers' conference in Chicago so they can enjoy a free night on the town, but their plan hits a few bumps. At the store, Cheyenne helps Mateo damage control after his undocumented status is leaked, and Dina and Garrett struggle at gift-wrapping.
Glenn drives Amy crazy with a new, over the top training system. Cheyenne and Mateo brainstorm a new business, while Dina recruits Jonah to help her when she starts second-guessing her own future.
Amy and Cheyenne attend Cloud 9 Academy to advance their careers. Dina and Garrett get roped into babysitting Glenn's daughter while he childproofs his office, and Jonah and Mateo become political activists.
Corporate introduces a friendly step-tracking challenge between Cloud 9 branches, and Amy, Jonah, and Dina create a fake rivalry to inspire Store #1217's laziest employees. But healthy competition gets increasingly chaotic when the fake rivalry becomes real.
With a massive snowstorm beating down on St. Louis and an unsympathetic home office, the Cloud 9 employees and customers get snowed in, leading to escalating tensions and in-fighting.
Jonah and Amy's first Valentine's Day together gets derailed when Dina brings her birds to work, which also causes trouble for Garrett. Meanwhile, Cheyenne offers to give Marcus a sentimental tattoo, and Glenn makes videos for his daughter to watch while he's at work.
Amy jumps at an amazing career opportunity, only to run up against an exec with a major grudge against her. Jonah and Mateo help Glenn with a financial problem, while Garrett and Cheyenne struggle to spend a day without cell phones.
Amy finds herself at odds with her coworkers when some salary numbers get leaked, while Dina worries that Jonah is coming between her and Amy. Mateo tries to give himself a promotion, and Garrett attempts to sabotage Glenn's positive attitude.
Suspicious that people are making fun of her, Amy and Jonah spy on Cloud 9 employees through the security system, while Dina tries to track down an unsanctioned Easter Bunny in the store. Glenn preps for his church's Passion play.
Jonah struggles to find his place at Amy's daughter Emma's quinceañera. Dina proves very popular with some teenage boys. Cheyenne and Mateo are obsessed with seeing Amy cry.
Despite Dina's protests, Amy lets Glenn's pastor host an Earth Day booth at the store, but things quickly unravel when Glenn won't recognize Amy's authority. Jonah spearheads Cloud 9's green initiative, but is met with apathy from his coworkers.
Dina agrees to play the bad guy when corporate forces Amy to cut everyone's hours. Meanwhile, Jonah and the other employees play an elaborate game of laser tag with the store's new scanners, and Mateo makes a startling discovery about Marcus.
When a photo of a mess at store 1217 goes viral, Amy and Jonah try to use it to their advantage, while Dina starts hunting for the anonymous tweeter. And with money tight now that their hours have been cut back, Mateo, Cheyenne, Garrett, and Glenn sell their personal items in the store.
Amy and Dina visit Cloud 9 corporate to fix problems caused by Sandra's misguided activism, while Jonah tries to sabotage an employee meeting and Garrett tries to prove to his co-workers that he's a good person.
Amy and Jonah find themselves on opposing sides as corporate tries to win over employees by showering them with treats. But when the company's tactics grow more extreme, everyone must band together to save one of their own.