When a photo of a mess at store 1217 goes viral, Amy and Jonah try to use it to their advantage, while Dina starts hunting for the anonymous tweeter. And with money tight now that their hours have been cut back, Mateo, Cheyenne, Garrett, and Glenn sell their personal items in the store.
Can somebody please take care of that?
Short of staff due to corporate cutting back hours, Amy gives assignments to Jay, Sandra, Carol and Cheyenne. Garrett points out a tweet of a Cloud 9 store with a cart full of unpackaged meat which Sandra shows is in their store. The store is a shambles as Amy and Jonah look at a broken mannequin covered in medication. Commenting that corporate keeps cutting hours as the staff work harder, they wonder when it's going to end. Trying to think of ways to make extra money, Cheyenne, Garrett and Mateo decide to sell some of their possession in the store while Justine considers being a surrogate. A man tries to take razors out of a locked cabinet and gets his hands stuck. (♫ Juice Newton - Angel of the Morning ♫) Asking Carol to cover for him, Glenn learns that she knows that Sandra has been fooling around with Jerry and she plans revenge.
You're really, really good at this.
Cheyenne displays some of her items at the jewelery counter and surprises Mateo when a customer wants to buy an old purse. On the phone with corporate, who are concerned with the tweet of the cart full of meat, Amy is caught off-guard when they offer the store more hours. A customer dumps a bucket of change into a sorting machine and spills coins on the floor. (♫ Nelly Furtado - I'm Like a Bird ♫) Telling Jonah, he proposes they tweet more in-store problems from fake accounts to get more hours. Tweeting a picture of a smashed tomato sauce bottle, Sandra tells them of a dead cat which they rush to get a picture of. In the Break Room, after seeing Cheyenne's success, Mateo brings in some of his old items. This inspires Garrett to sell some of his valuable, vintage sneakers and Glenn to find some items.
I feel like the casino guy.
A customer dumps a bucket of change into a sorting machine and spills coins on the floor. (♫ Huey Lewis and the News - I Want a New Drug ♫) Seeing Dina and Justine looking at more tweets, Amy and Jonah fake ignorance of them which Jonah almost blows. Dina finds Amy's lack of anger suspicious, so she kicks a bag which spills on the floor. Cheyenne and Mateo try to convince a customer to buy a used electric toothbrush. A customer shows interest in a pair of Garrett's vintage sneakers but when Garrett discovers the customer wants to wear them, he asks him to leave. On the phone with corporate again, who have seen the tweets, Amy expects to get more hours. However, corporate indicates they've found the tweets are coming from a store employee.
What a dumb ass.
Luanne from corporate HR addresses the staff and says the tweeter is one of them. Showing evidence to back it up, the staff can't believe how few safeguards the tweeter took. While Jonah shifts uncomfortably, Amy tries to get Luanne to back off but she indicates she's not leaving until the identity of the tweeter is found. To get a confession, Dina lies that the guilty party won't be punished but Luanne says the employee will be fired. A customer takes an unpackaged piece of meat from a shopping cart. (♫ Culture Club - I'll Tumble 4 Ya ♫) In private, Jonah tells Amy that if caught, he'll say he acted alone. Disappointed that she expected him to do this, Amy points out she makes more money and has a family to care for. Garrett finds a customer who cares about vintage sneakers as much as he does, but can't bring himself to sell a pair.
I have some business to take care of.
In the Surveillance Office, Luanne and Dina look at video to find a time match when staff were using their phones and the tweets were sent. However, many staff were using their phones so they can't find the culprit. As Luanne switches to video of the Break Room, Dina says the video there is before the tweets but she sees it was Garrett who released her beloved birds on Valentine's day, never to be seen again. Stunned, she excuses herself. Glenn brings in a box of items once owned by Jerusha's father which Mateo and Cheyenne go through. Although there are many treasures in the box, including a valuable baseball card, in ignorance, they throw them in the recycling bin. In Amy's office, Luanne tells Amy and Jonah websites the culprit visited on his phone, which match Jonah's interests. Amy and Jonah both lie that many staff could have done so.
I'm a horrible person, aren't I?
Carol arrives and exacts her revenge on Sandra by lying that Sandra told her that she is the tweeter. Carol then feints concern for Sandra. The staff hear that Sandra is the culprit and in the Break Room, they express admiration for Sandra and call her a rebel. Realizing they need to own up to the tweets, Jonah says he'll take the blame and again, is disappointed that Amy assumed he would. Dina tells Garrett that she discovered he was responsible for letting her birds escape. Cheerfully reminding him that he didn't admit it and had sex with her just after, Garrett apologizes. Saying not to worry about it, she says she has something to show him. Outside at the loading dock, Dina has set fire to all of Garrett's sneakers. As he watches in grief, Dina whispers that she will never forgive him.
Sandra! Sandra! Sandra!
On her way out of the store, Luanne finds the valuable baseball card in the recycling bin. (♫ The Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited ♫) Amy and Jonah catch Sandra as she's leaving, having been fired by Luanne. Sandra proclaims her innocence while Amy and Jonah say they'll fix things. A group of staff are waiting for Sandra and greet her enthusiastically, praising the tweets. Initially saying she isn't the culprit, she becomes seduced by everyone's adoration. As Amy is about to admit the truth, Sandra interrupts her. Playing the part of the abused worker who's been pushed too far, she bounces like a boxer and says it's time for the store to unionize while the staff chant her name.
Amy's name tag: Amy wears a different name tag in every episode. For this one it's "Gloria."
Crazy Customers and music: For all customer interludes and music see CLOUD9FAIL (music).
Glenn compares the mess in the store to the Fyre Festival.
Mateo explains why he didn't get a job as shirtless greeter at Abercrombie & Fitch.
Items in the box from Jerusha's father include a Neil Diamond cassette, a Mickey Mantle rookie card and Action Comics #1 featuring Superman. Cheyenne is disappointed that the Superman on the comic doesn't look like Dean Cain.
Goof: In Amy's office, as Jonah and Amy discuss creating tweets disparaging the store, Amy's hands are full with the work schedule. However, as the camera quick cuts between her and Jonah, the pen on her desk moves and, the blue file folder flips between being open and closed at 6:00 to 6:02.
“I will never forgive you, ever.”— Dina to Garrett
Sandra Finally Gets Some Respect - Superstore (Episode Highlight)
On their first day back from suspension, Amy and Jonah steel themselves for a barrage of jokes and snide comments about their sex video, while Jeff goes to extreme lengths to win back Mateo.
Jonah helps Amy get creative to stock up on supplies for her new baby, while Glenn and Jerusha take maternity pictures that inspire Dina to have her own photo shoot directed by Mateo.
Amy and Jonah get combative to keep their new relationship hidden from their co-workers. Meanwhile, Glenn spirals when he learns Kelly wants to transfer to a new store, and Cheyenne struggles to organize a Cloud 9 carpool.
When an employee costume competition is announced, Amy and Mateo aren't afraid to play dirty to win first prize, a paid day off. Meanwhile, Glenn is preoccupied by Cloud 9's new automatic cart collector, and Garrett is tormented by an annoying Halloween novelty song.
Amy and Dina are both in labor! But while Glenn's manager status gets Dina the royal treatment at a fancy hospital, Amy and Jonah have a far different experience at a cheaper clinic. At the store, Garrett struggles to express his best wishes for the new parents.
Amy faces a nightmare day at work when she learns she doesn't have maternity leave, made worse by Cheyenne and Mateo campaign to change her baby's name. Meanwhile, Jonah and Garrett take on hiring the new seasonal help.
When a new Cloud 9 initiative forces employees to be friendlier to their customers, Amy ends up getting to know Jonah's parents, and learns he hasn't been completely truthful with them. The new policy also inspires Garrett and Dina to find out who can hold a smile longer.
Jonah and Amy take Glenn's tickets to a managers' conference in Chicago so they can enjoy a free night on the town, but their plan hits a few bumps. At the store, Cheyenne helps Mateo damage control after his undocumented status is leaked, and Dina and Garrett struggle at gift-wrapping.
Glenn drives Amy crazy with a new, over the top training system. Cheyenne and Mateo brainstorm a new business, while Dina recruits Jonah to help her when she starts second-guessing her own future.
Amy and Cheyenne attend Cloud 9 Academy to advance their careers. Dina and Garrett get roped into babysitting Glenn's daughter while he childproofs his office, and Jonah and Mateo become political activists.
Corporate introduces a friendly step-tracking challenge between Cloud 9 branches, and Amy, Jonah, and Dina create a fake rivalry to inspire Store #1217's laziest employees. But healthy competition gets increasingly chaotic when the fake rivalry becomes real.
With a massive snowstorm beating down on St. Louis and an unsympathetic home office, the Cloud 9 employees and customers get snowed in, leading to escalating tensions and in-fighting.
Jonah and Amy's first Valentine's Day together gets derailed when Dina brings her birds to work, which also causes trouble for Garrett. Meanwhile, Cheyenne offers to give Marcus a sentimental tattoo, and Glenn makes videos for his daughter to watch while he's at work.
Amy jumps at an amazing career opportunity, only to run up against an exec with a major grudge against her. Jonah and Mateo help Glenn with a financial problem, while Garrett and Cheyenne struggle to spend a day without cell phones.
Amy finds herself at odds with her coworkers when some salary numbers get leaked, while Dina worries that Jonah is coming between her and Amy. Mateo tries to give himself a promotion, and Garrett attempts to sabotage Glenn's positive attitude.
Suspicious that people are making fun of her, Amy and Jonah spy on Cloud 9 employees through the security system, while Dina tries to track down an unsanctioned Easter Bunny in the store. Glenn preps for his church's Passion play.
Jonah struggles to find his place at Amy's daughter Emma's quinceañera. Dina proves very popular with some teenage boys. Cheyenne and Mateo are obsessed with seeing Amy cry.
Despite Dina's protests, Amy lets Glenn's pastor host an Earth Day booth at the store, but things quickly unravel when Glenn won't recognize Amy's authority. Jonah spearheads Cloud 9's green initiative, but is met with apathy from his coworkers.
Dina agrees to play the bad guy when corporate forces Amy to cut everyone's hours. Meanwhile, Jonah and the other employees play an elaborate game of laser tag with the store's new scanners, and Mateo makes a startling discovery about Marcus.
When a photo of a mess at store 1217 goes viral, Amy and Jonah try to use it to their advantage, while Dina starts hunting for the anonymous tweeter. And with money tight now that their hours have been cut back, Mateo, Cheyenne, Garrett, and Glenn sell their personal items in the store.
Amy and Dina visit Cloud 9 corporate to fix problems caused by Sandra's misguided activism, while Jonah tries to sabotage an employee meeting and Garrett tries to prove to his co-workers that he's a good person.
Amy and Jonah find themselves on opposing sides as corporate tries to win over employees by showering them with treats. But when the company's tactics grow more extreme, everyone must band together to save one of their own.