Superstore Wiki
Superstore Wiki
— Garrett, "Shoplifter".

Charles Maynard Rand is an 87 year old visitor to Cloud 9 Store 1217. He lived on Oak Street, wore glasses and wasn't an organ donor. He is portrayed by an unknown actor.

Character History[]

Season One[]

S01E05-Couch burns

Charles' memorial service.

Jonah and Garrett find Charles asleep on a store couch. Garrett attempts unsuccessfully to wake him by yelling loudly. Jonah lightly shakes Charles who then falls over. They realize he is dead and start panicking. In the Break Room, Glenn breaks the news of Charles' death to everyone. He offers grief counselling but everyone is apathetic about Charles' death much to Glenn's anger. At day's end, Glenn holds a memorial service for Charles in the parking lot where Dina allows Glenn to "knock himself out" and give a fundamental Christian service. Due to store policy, the couch he died on must be destroyed. Jonah sets it on fire and it burns fiercely even though it is supposed to be flame retardant. ("Shoplifter")


  • Charles is part of a Goof in "Shoplifter". When Jonah and Garrett observe him, his head is slumped onto his left shoulder and his facial expression changes. Then when Jonah approaches him, Charles' head is pointed straight ahead.
Amy nametag Superstore Characters
Main Characters
Amy DubanowskiDina FoxSandra KaluiokalaniCheyenne LeeMateo LiwanagGarrett McNeillJonah SimmsGlenn Sturgis
Other Cloud 9 Employees
AlishaArthurBlaineBrettCarmenCarolChrisClaudia LankowCodyCoreyCorporate WomanCynthiaDomDoug AndersonDougieEarlEliasEugeneHeatherHenryHermanIsaacJanetJodiJustineKellyKelseyKenKyle the Cloud 9 CloudLaurieLisaLuanneMarcusMaryMayaMC Cool CloudMilesMyrtleNeilNickNoamOpalPennyPeterPhotographerRexRogerSalSarahSayidSkipSteveSueJeff SutinTateTravis/Tim
Season One minor employeesSeason Two minor employeesSeason Three minor employeesSeason Four minor employees
Adam DubanowskiEmma DubanowskiBobbie SueBrandi • • Irma LiwanagCastorKristenLeoMarilyn SimmsRichard SimmsConnie SosaRon SosaJerusha SturgisRose SturgisBo Derek ThompsonHarmonica ThompsonT'OliverTimurZoe
Agent RobsonAlexAmberAndyBobby SuhBridgettCharlesColeDennisDevonDorothyEricErickGeorgiaHankHank (soldier)HowieJerryJessJulieKathyLarry/BruceLydiaMaggieMichelleMikeMissy JonesMo FrankNaomiNikkiNurse EllaOwenPastor CraigRichardRobin GreenRussellScottShannonStuartSydTimTomUptight LadyWaiterWalterWilliam