Superstore Wiki
Superstore Wiki
Buckle your seat belt, because you are about to experience Cloud 9 as you have never experienced it before!
— Glenn

"Color Wars" is the seventh episode of Season 1 of Superstore, and the seventh episode of the show overall.


Glenn divides the staff into two competing sales teams, Jonah meets Amy's husband, Adam.



We’re not in the mood.

In the Break Room, Dina is sad as one of her birds died. Garrett and Amy both comment that they tried to get off working that day but couldn't. As Jonah asks why, Glenn enters dressed in patriotic garb and announces "color wars". (♫ The Stars and Stripes ForeverJohn Philip Sousa ♫) He divides the staff into two teams and hands out red and gold t-shirts. Whichever team sells the most gets a pizza party at day end. The staff are not enthusiastic and languish around the store. To cheer up Dina, Glenn asks her to help plan the pizza party which she agrees to in an insulting manner.


$100 each?!

Glenn is disappointed that no one is working harder and complains to Amy. She indicates that pizza isn't much motivation. Glenn says that each member of the winning team also gets $100. Amy's eyes bulge and Glenn says he wanted to surprise everyone at day end. Amy volunteers to tell everyone but gathers only her Gold team in the Break Room to tell them. Jonah objects to selling people things they don't need but is pressured by Cheyenne. Sandra (who is on the Red Team) enters the room to use a vending machine and the room goes uncomfortably quiet. The Gold Team bursts into the store and begins a frenzy of selling while the Red Team lolls about. (♫ [[wikipedia:You Can Do It|You Can Do It] – Ice Cube ♫)

S01E07-Brett sold a shelf

The guy’s a machine!

Garrett, who is on the Red Team with Mateo notices the Gold Team's efforts and asks Mateo to find out why. Mateo twists Cheyenne's arm until she reveals the secret. To get back at Amy, Garrett announces on the store P.A. system that the Gold Team members are all ex-cons. Myrtle and Jimmy have a stare-down. (♫ WarEdwin Starr ♫) Glenn and Dina argue about the party, Dina not wanting clowns or piñatas. Jonah is having a hard time selling customers things they don’t need so Amy takes him aside to tell him the Red team knows about the $100 prize and he needs to step it up. She talks about her need for the money and points out that the Red team has awesome salesmen like Brett. Glenn and Dina order a cake at Coffee & Bakery but Maren transcribes everything they say to write on the cake.

S01E07-Adam grill video

A lot of dead air on this video.

Following Amy's direction, Jonah chats with a man who is checking out an expensive BBQ. He calls his wife who turns out to be Amy, though Jonah doesn't know this. Amy doesn't have time to talk to Adam so Jonah points out that he tried to tell her about the buying the BBQ and convinces him to make the purchase. Garrett sells an expensive bike by lying that an accident on a cheaper bike was the cause of his disability. Brett is standing at an aisle end, staring. (♫ (Don't Fear) The ReaperBlue Öyster Cult ♫) At checkout, a self-centred rich woman isn't paying attention so Cheyenne rings up many items she didn't shop for. Adam shows Jonah his real-time BBQ Youtube channel which leads Jonah to convince him to buy a new TV.

S01E07-Myrtle hitting pinata

Is it working?

Jonah tells Amy that he's sold $2000 of merchandise though Amy doesn't know her husband is the purchaser. At the checkout, Garrett points out to Jonah that the BBQ purchaser is Amy's husband. Glenn and Dina decide to compromise and take the stuffing out of a teddy bear to make a piñata for the party. Jonah tries to talk Adam out of his purchases and offers to pay for them himself until Amy catches them. Adam and Amy argue and Jonah slips away. At the pizza party, Dina and Glenn sing jazz together in front of the staff and announce that the Gold Team won. Garrett switches teams to get $100. Amy opens up to Jonah about her marriage and Myrtle hits the teddy bear piñata.


Main cast[]

Featured cast[]

See also[]

Also see Season One minor employees.

Running Gags[]

  • Amy's name tag: Amy wears a different name tag in every episode. For this one it's "Esmé".
  • Crazy Customers and music: For all customer interludes and music see Color Wars (music).
  • Glenn's tie: Realistic clouds.
  • Spitzer Holding Company: At the end of every episode, the Spitzer Holding Company title card lists 3 of their "specialties". In this episode, they are "E-Commerce", "Probate Auctions", and "Logistics".


  • Amy's use of the word "lates" instead of "later" is a reference to the character Vaughn Miller from "Community", another NBC show, who was mocked for the words he used to greet and say goodbye.
  • Mateo Instagrammed the big guy in a little shirt which may be a reference to Chris Farley's "fat guy in a little coat" routine.
  • Adam does grilling videos on YouTube.
  • Minions, known from the Despicable Me franchise and the Minions movie, are sold at the store and Amy tries to get a kid to buy a lot of Minions-themed merchandise to help her team win the sales competition. She also tells the kid to buy an new Xbox.
  • A rich woman talking on her phone mentions she'll call the (now defunct) INS if her maid doesn't do what she's told.
  • Garrett lies to a customer that his first words on waking from a coma were he wished he would have bought a Vitamix blender.
  • One of Adam's failed businesses is making a Reggaeton album.



That's why, if it was up to me, I'd fire half the staff. No, don't put that on the cake.Dina
Yes, the Cloud 9 Second Chances Program. 'Cause knowledge is worth—100 bucks.Garrett


Superstore Season One Episodes
PilotMagazine ProfileShots and SalsaMannequinShoplifterSecret ShopperColor WarsWedding Day SaleAll-NighterDemotionLabor

Season1 DVD

Season OneSeason TwoSeason ThreeSeason FourSeason Five
ve Jonah nametag Superstore Season One Episodes
S01E01-Ceiling stars    "Pilot" November 30, 2015
Directed by: Ruben Fleischer - Written by: Justin Spitzer

The main characters are introduced. Jonah is attracted to Amy but Dina thinks he is attracted to her. (Viewers: 7.23 million)

S01E02-Cynthia and Dina    "Magazine Profile" November 30, 2015
Directed by: Michael Patrick Jann - Written by: Matt Hubbard

A reporter from the Cloud 9 company magazine comes to do an article on the store. (Viewers: 5.35 million)

1x03-Shots-and-Salsa-Dina-and-Amy-superstore-39171382-1024-683    "Shots and Salsa" December 28, 2015
Directed by: Ruben Fleischer - Written by: Justin Spitzer

Various staff man a salsa booth which leads to racial sensitivity training. Jonah helps at the Pharmacy. (Viewers: 2.62 million)

S01E04-Mannequin Mateo Amy    "Mannequin" January 4, 2016
Directed by: Victor Nelli, Jr. - Written by: Jonathan Green and Gabe Miller

Amy pranks Jonah with a mannequin who resembles him, Cheyenne considers giving her baby up for adoption, Mateo uses newly acquired power to exact revenge. (Viewers: 6.02 million)

Shoplifter    "Shoplifter" January 11, 2016
Directed by: Ruben Fleischer - Written by: Jackie Clarke

Dina tracks a shoplifter, Amy brings her daughter Emma to work even though it isn't allowed so Jonah helps out. (Viewers: 5.38 million)

Surveillance office-S01E06    "Secret Shopper" January 18, 2016
Directed by: Alex Hardcastle - Written by: Lon Zimmet

Amy feels competitive when Glenn publicly congratulates Jonah on his superb employee test results. Cloud 9 employees are on their best behavior in anticipation of a secret shopper. (Viewers: 5.66 million)

ColorWars10    "Color Wars" January 25, 2016
Directed by: Andy Ackerman - Written by: Jack Kukoda

The store is divided into two sales teams competing for $100 each, Jonah meets Amy's husband Adam. (Viewers: 4.93 million)

Wedding    "Wedding Day Sale" February 1, 2016
Directed by: Victor Nelli, Jr. - Written by: Sierra Teller Ornelas

Amy tries to talk Cheyenne and Bo out of expensive wedding purchases, Glenn tries to be tolerant towards a gay couple. (Viewers: 4.89 million)

AllNighter6    "All-Nighter" February 8, 2016
Directed by: Christine Gernon - Written by: Eric Ledgin

After working overtime to put up new signs, the staff are locked in the store. They find unique ways to amuse themselves and bond in the process. (Viewers: 5.19 million)

Demotion    "Demotion" February 15, 2016
Directed by: Linda Mendoza - Written by: Matt Hubbard and Lon Zimmet

Dina asks for a demotion in order to date Jonah, Amy and Glenn deal with finding a replacement. (Viewers: 3.09 million)

S01E11-Harmonica    "Labor" February 22, 2016
Directed by: Beth McCarthy-Miller - Written by: Owen Ellickson

Cheyenne is having her baby in the store but won't stop working because Cloud 9 doesn't offer paid maternity leave. To help her Jonah proposes a walkout. (Viewers: 4.68 million)
