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Glenn's Office

Glenn's Office Cloud 9 Superstore logo Store Manager
Location: Cloud 9 Store 1217First Appearance: "Mannequin" — Last Appearance: "All Sales Final"

You remember when Jerusha came by my office to talk about the mortgage?
Glenn uses his office for sex, "All-Nighter".

Glenns office-door-S01E10
The office door.

Glenn's Office (later Amy's Office when she is promoted to Manager) is the store manager's office. The manager holds meetings with employees here and other store staff have used it for various official and unofficial reasons. There are various awards on the desk and walls, many pictures of Glenn's 11 foster children, his own child, Rose, shelves and Glenn's monkey puppet. When Amy is promoted to Store Manager, the office is redecorated with pictures of Emma and Parker. There's also a separate computer desk and a wall monitor behind the door. The window looks out onto the loading dock and there's an entrance to the Access tunnels under the store behind one of the cabinets. Its first appearance is in the Season One episode "Mannequin".

At some point after Amy's promotion to Cloud 9 corporate in California, the Office is retired as Glenn and Dina (now Manager and Co-Manager respectively) get a completely new office.


Glenns office-S01E04
Featuring: Cheyenne, Bo and Glenn

Glenn meets with Cheyenne and Bo when he hears they might put their baby up for adoption. Glenn is interested in another foster child for he and his wife Jerusha.

Glenns office-S01E05
Featuring: Amy and Glenn

After discovering an elderly man, Charles, died in the store, Glenn is depressed about death and discusses the situation with Amy.

Glenns office-S01E06
   "Secret Shopper"
Featuring: Jonah and Glenn

Glenn suspects Jonah might be the secret shopper and invites him to his office to butter him up and then asks for a raise.

Glenns office-S01E09
Featuring: Glenn

Glenn calls corporate to weakly complain that the new signs they sent came late and he doesn't want to keep everyone after the store closes to put them up.

Glenns office-S01E10
Featuring: Amy, Brett, Marcus, Sandra, Sal, Tate and Glenn

Glenn tries to convince Amy to become assistant manager and later when she refuses, Amy and Glenn hold interviews for the assistant manager position Dina vacated.

Glenns office-S01E11
Featuring: Amy and Jonah

Amy and Jonah call corporate to see if they can get paid maternity leave for Cheyenne. They accidentally mention the word "union" which results in a labor relations consultant Steve showing up. Steve witnesses Glenn "suspending" Cheyenne with pay and later in his office, Glenn tells Amy he's been fired.

Glenns office-S02E00
Featuring: Mateo and Glenn

Mateo goes to Glenn's office to admit he doesn't have a green card but says he's "not American". Glenn takes this to mean that he doesn't feel accepted.

Glenns office-S02E07
   "Election Day"
Featuring: Amy, Jonah, Dina and Glenn

Amy and Jonah complain to Glenn that Cloud 9 corporate is leaving pamphlets for employees to vote for a candidate that is pro big business. Later, Dina and Glenn are drying ballots and trying to get recorded confessions from each other in the office. A monitor is now on the wall behind the door.

Glenns office-S02E08
   "Seasonal Help"
Featuring: Tom (Santa) and Glenn

Glenn interviews a very good candidate for the store's first Santa.

Glenns office-S02E11
Featuring: Amy, Jonah and Glenn

After discovering Jonah went to school with corporate VP Rex, Glenn tries to get Jonah to sign a 30 year contract. Later, Amy dares Jonah to cancel his deferment at the college he left using Glenn's phone and he finds out it is already lapsed. First appearance of Glenn's monkey puppet in the office.

Glenns office-S02E13
   "Valentine's Day"
Featuring: Amy and Glenn

After Myrtle files a sexual harassment complaint against Amy, Glenn and Arthur, Amy and Glenn talk to corporate to try and clear up the situation. Later, Glenn calls Jerusha as he believes their marriage is based on a sex crime he committed.

Glenns office-S02E14
   "Super Hot Store"
Featuring: Dina, Garrett and Glenn

Glenn is on the phone with corporate trying to have the heat turned down. Garrett convinces him to fix it himself and he leaves. His office is cool (it has A.C.) so Garrett stays and is joined by Dina. They have sex twice to pass the time.

Glenns office-S02E15
   "Wellness Fair"
Featuring: Dina and Glenn

Glenn is on the phone with Amy who is calling in sick. Dina comes in and tells Glenn she's faking it (which she is).

Glenns office-S02E16
   "Integrity Award"
Featuring: Cheyenne, Garrett and Glenn

Cheyenne is in the office twice to discuss nominating Glenn for the Integrity Award. Garrett is congratulated by corporate on the phone in the office for rescuing a war hero's dog.

Glenns office-S02E17
   "Mateo's Last Day"
Featuring: Amy and Glenn

Amy and Glenn spend a lot of time in his office responding to Yelp reviews and dealing with an internet troll, Tim.

Glenns office-S02E19
   "Spring Cleaning"
Featuring: Cheyenne, Bo, Jonah, Marcus and Glenn

Glenn interviews Bo for a job. Jonah becomes Glenn's assistant but isn't comfortable with the closeness to Glenn. Glenn replaces Jonah with Marcus in his office and asks Jonah to give Marcus the tie Glenn gave him.

Glenns office-S02E21
Featuring: Amy and Glenn

Faced with a deadline to let 6 staff go, Glenn starts to go crazy with indecision. He spreads all the employee files out on the floor of his office and tries to rate them with Amy's help.

S03E01-Glenn Dina Amy memo
   "Grand Re-Opening"
Featuring: Amy, Dina and Glenn

After learning that the store is opening that day and not in a week, Glenn shows Amy and Dina Jeff's email that explains the timing. Amy agrees with Glenn that the wording is confusing while Dina thinks it is clear.

S03E02-Glenn Amy in office
   "Brett Is Dead"
Featuring: Amy and Glenn

Amy expresses to Glenn her concern that Dina is suffering from post traumatic stress following the tornado. Glenn thinks Amy is dissing Dina.

S03E04-Glenns Office Glenn Ken
   "Workplace Bullying"
Featuring: Glenn and Ken

Glenn tries to fire Ken and thinks he has but Ken thinks Glenn just wants him to leave his office. Jerusha is listening on speaker phone.

S03E06-Glenn Dina Garrett penis
   "Health Fund"
Featuring: Glenn, Dina and Garrett

Glenn is on the phone with an automated attendant trying to get an appointment with a dermatologist as he has a mole on his "bathing suit area". Garrett catches Glenn looking up "mole penis" on the internet. Dina examines Glenn's penis and Garrett catches them. Dina and Glenn wait for an opinion from Dina's dermatologist. Dina reminds Glenn she has a picture of his penis and Glenn decides he'd like a biological child of his own.

S03E07-Reindeer in Glenn's office
   "Christmas Eve"
Featuring: Reindeer

A reindeer invades Glenn's office.

S03E08-Glenn's office and monkey puppet
   "Viral Video"
Featuring: Glenn and Mateo

Glenn questions the legitimacy of the Cloud 9 Blue Card rewards customers that Mateo is signing up.

S03E10-Bo Cheyenne Glenn's office
   "High Volume Store"
Featuring: Glenn, Baby Trafficker, Bo and Cheyenne

Glenn interviews a woman who he thinks will be a surrogate mother but she turns out to be a baby trafficker. Glenn and Cheyenne discuss her being Glenn's surrogate mother which Bo enthusiastically accepts when he learns it pays $20,000. Later, without Bo, Glenn goes over a pregnancy calendar with Cheyenne but when he realizes she doesn't want to be his surrogate he insults her so she'll quit.

S03E11-Glenns office and monkey puppet
   "Angels and Mermaids"
Featuring: Dina, Glenn and Bruce

Dina and Glenn meet to discuss terms of her surrogacy. Glenn then meets with his lawyer Bruce to review paperwork Dina has left. All three then meet and Bruce threatens Dina with legal action if she doesn't agree to Glenn's terms.

S03E13-Glenn's Office
   "Video Game Release"
Featuring: Amy and Jonah

Amy and Jonah search for the access point in Glenn's office to the corridors that will lead to the cage where a video game that Amy wants is stored.

S03E14-Glenns office and puppet
   "Safety Training"
Featuring: Jeff, Jonah and Mateo

Jeff has corporate on the phone in Glenn's office and is trying to get Mateo to accept a settlement for his work injury.

S03E15-Myrtle and moneky puppet
Featuring: Carol, Corey, Dina, Glenn, Isaac, Mateo, Myrtle, Sandra

Glenn is disillusioned after finding out Amy and Jonah kissed as he thought they were good people. After Dina convinces him to declare amnesty for any past wrong doings, Dina and Glenn hear transgressions from various staff members.

S03E16-Glenns Office w Jeff and puppet
Featuring: Garrett, Glenn and Jeff

Garrett asks Glenn for a raise and makes him think Jeff is poaching staff to work at Target. Later, Glenn meets with Jeff and tries to intimidate him to not poach any staff.

S03E17-Garrett Mateo Glenn office and puppet
   "District Manager"
Featuring: Dina, Glenn, Laurie, Garrett and Mateo

Dina tells Glenn to keep her pregnancy a secret from Laurie. Laurie tells Glenn to fire Myrtle. Garrett and Mateo use Glenn's computer to change Mateo's checkout register score.

S03E19-Amy Jonah Glenns Office
Featuring: Amy and Jonah

Amy calls Laurie to ask for a raise but gets her secretary, Skye. Skye says Laurie isn't available and Jonah accuses her of lying which makes her cry.

S03E20-Glenns office and puppet
   "Gender Reveal"
Featuring: Amy, Dina and Glenn

Glenn can't open the envelope that reveals the sex of the baby Dina is carrying for him. Later, the reality of child birth hits Dina and she panics in front of Amy and Glenn.

S03E21-Glenn hand on Dina-Glenns Office
Featuring: Dina and Glenn

While giving a quarterly report by phone, Dina and Glenn learn the store is on the short list for a town hall address to be given by the Cloud 9's CEO. Later, Glenn puts his hand on Dina's shoulder for the store's video.

S03E22-Amy Jonah Glenns office
   "Town Hall"
Featuring: Amy and Jonah

Amy and Jonah look for Myrtle's employee file and discover that Cloud 9 has been firing older employees without cause. Later, they enter the tunnels through an access door in the office.

S04E03-Kelly Glenn's office
   "Toxic Work Environment"
Featuring: Glenn, Kelly and Dina

Kelly tries to get a transfer to another store from Glenn and later, Dina discusses the bad work environment in the store.

S04E04-Garrett Glenn's office
   "Costume Competition"
Featuring: Glenn, Amy and Garrett

Amy tries to arrange a medical appointment and later, Garrett tries unsuccessfully to get Cloud 9 corporate to take an annoying Halloween song off the store playlist.

S04E06-Glenn's office
   "Maternity Leave"
Featuring: Glenn and Amy

Glenn calls Amy from his office to inform her that she is not qualified for maternity leave and has to show up for work today. Amy tries to use Glenn's office to pump her breasts and later, he gives her a puppy.

S04E07-Glenns office
   "New Initiative"
Featuring: Glenn and Jonah

Believing that working at the store is holding back Jonah from his dreams, Glenn unsuccessfully tries to fire Jonah.

S04E08-Glenns office and puppet
   "Managers' Conference"
Featuring: Glenn and Mateo

Learning that his SSN belongs to a woman who lives in Buffalo, Glenn asks Mateo to correct his SSN and sees that he's lying when he gives it.

S04E09-Amy Glenns office puppet
   "Shadowing Glenn"
Featuring: Glenn, Amy, Cheyenne, Mateo, Jonah

Amy tells Glenn that she'd like to apply for the management training program which he enthusiastically starts to prepare her for. Later, Cheyenne and Mateo listen to Glenn's wisdom until Jonah interrupts.

S04E10-Glenn busts door
   "Cloud 9 Academy"
Featuring: Glenn

Trying to baby-proof his office so he can take care of Rose, Glenn locks himself in. He finally escapes by breaking the office door with a golf club which Janet and Sarah witness. He tells them a large bird pooped in his waste basket but they know it was him.

S04E12-Sandra Jerry sex
Featuring: Glenn, Sandra, Jerry, Dina

Glenn unsuccessfully tries to get permission from Cloud 9 corporate to let the staff leave early due to the blizzard. Later, Dina catches Sandra and Jerry having sex in the office.

S04E13-Glenn in office
Featuring: Glenn

Glenn makes a video for his daughter Rose where he tries to explain the facts of life.

S04E14-Laurie cocaine
   "Minor Crimes"
Featuring: Glenn, Jonah, Mateo, Amy, Laurie

Stepping down from being manager, Jonah helps Glenn clean out his office and Mateo finds a bag of money which Glenn accidentally embezzled. Amy has a sham interview for the manager's job with Laurie and later, catches Laurie snorting cocaine in the office.

Glenn nametag Locations
Cloud 9 Store #1217
Cloud 9 Store 1217Break RoomLockersCoffee & BakeryGlenn's OfficePharmacyPhoto LabStock RoomStorm ShelterSurveillance OfficeWarehouse
Other Locations
Amy's houseBo and Cheyenne's HouseBridgett's HouseCloud 9Cloud 9 Chesterfield StoreCloud 9 Crestwood StoreCloud 9 HeadquartersSturgis & SonsDina's apartmentEl NorteFiring-LineLife's Works ChurchThe CharhouseTim's Apartment