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Photo Lab

Photo Lab Cloud 9 Superstore logo aka "BANG ROOM"
Location: Cloud 9 Store 1217First Appearance: "All-Nighter"

When I first started here, we just called the lab the "bang room" because, you know, the banging.
Amy, "All-Nighter".

S01E09-Photo lab text
Dina texts Jonah.
The Photo Lab is the most common place that employees have sex in at the store. Because of this, it is also known as the "bang room". It has a number of printers, tools and several large, flat surfaces for its unofficial capacity. Its first appearance is in the Season One episode "All-Nighter".


S01E09-Dina and Jonah Bang room
Featuring: Dina and Jonah

Dina tries to seduce Jonah in the lab but Jonah makes up the excuse that he can't date her because she's his supervisor. Cheyenne mentions that she and Bo had sex in the lab.

S02E08-Adam and Amy in photo lab
   "Seasonal Help"
Featuring: Amy and Adam Dubanowski

In order to show everyone that her marriage is OK, Amy initiates many public displays of affection and then leads Adam into the lab where they have sex. She brags about it later.

S02E09-Dina kisses Garrett
   "Black Friday"
Featuring: Dina and Garrett

After Garrett rallies the staff, Dina is impressed, kisses him and tells him to find every breath mint in the store and meet her in the Photo Lab. She says if he isn't there in 10 minutes, she'll start without him.

S02E21-Sandra photo lab
Featuring: Sandra and customers

Sandra ushers a number of customers to safety from the tornado in the Photo Lab but shuts the door on her rival Carol.

S03E21-Dina Garrett Glenn Photo Lab
Featuring: Dina, Garrett and Glenn

Dina, Garrett and Glenn look at a staff group photo and Dina and Glenn decide they need to do a store video to impress Cloud 9's CEO to allow their store to host a town hall.

S03E22-Amy Jonah Photo Lab
   "Town Hall"
Featuring: Amy and Jonah

Amy and Jonah have sex in the Photo Lab which is live streamed to every Cloud 9 store.

Glenn nametag Locations
Cloud 9 Store #1217
Cloud 9 Store 1217Break RoomLockersCoffee & BakeryGlenn's OfficePharmacyPhoto LabStock RoomStorm ShelterSurveillance OfficeWarehouse
Other Locations
Amy's houseBo and Cheyenne's HouseBridgett's HouseCloud 9Cloud 9 Chesterfield StoreCloud 9 Crestwood StoreCloud 9 HeadquartersSturgis & SonsDina's apartmentEl NorteFiring-LineLife's Works ChurchThe CharhouseTim's Apartment